SEACHANGE INTL INC COM SEAC: NASDAQTechnology : Software & IT Services
Company Contact
Headquarters:50 NAGOG PARK
ACTON, MA 01720-3409
Web Address:
SeaChange International, Inc. (SeaChange) is engaged in the delivery of multiscreen video. The Company's products and services facilitate the aggregation, licensing, management and distribution of video and advertising content for cable television system operators, telecommunications companies, satellite operators and media companies. SeaChange sells its software products and services across the world, to television service providers, including cable television system operators, telecommunications companies, satellite operators and media companies. Its systems enable service providers to offer other interactive television services that allow subscribers to receive personalized services and interact with their video devices. Its business consists of three product areas: multiscreen video backoffice, advertising and video gateway software solutions. It also offers SeaChange Infusion Advanced Advertising Platform, Adrenalin, SeaChange Infusion Advanced Advertising Platform and Nucleus.
Company Contact
Headquarters:50 NAGOG PARK
ACTON, MA 01720-3409
Web Address:
SeaChange International, Inc. (SeaChange) is engaged in the delivery of multiscreen video. The Company's products and services facilitate the aggregation, licensing, management and distribution of video and advertising content for cable television system operators, telecommunications companies, satellite operators and media companies. SeaChange sells its software products and services across the world, to television service providers, including cable television system operators, telecommunications companies, satellite operators and media companies. Its systems enable service providers to offer other interactive television services that allow subscribers to receive personalized services and interact with their video devices. Its business consists of three product areas: multiscreen video backoffice, advertising and video gateway software solutions. It also offers SeaChange Infusion Advanced Advertising Platform, Adrenalin, SeaChange Infusion Advanced Advertising Platform and Nucleus.